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Using Auth Headers

If your GraphQL endpoint requires you to authenticate requests via Authentication header (or any other header) there's two things you need to do:

For schema-ast introspection requests (downloading schema) during build

Header key and value must be provided directly in the configuration. Check out the full reference of the available configuration options for the urlSchemaOptions property.

import { defineNuxtConfig } from 'nuxt'

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  graphqlMiddleware: {
    graphqlEndpoint: '',

    codegenSchemaConfig: {
      urlSchemaOptions: {
        headers: {
          authentication: 'IBZxopckhZLalbbIzgp7VE0ae/+N0FAsA6D/31jDBuU=',

For query/mutation requests at runtime

Define a serverFetchOptions callback in ~/app/graphqlMiddleware.serverOptions.ts. This method is called before a GraphQL request is made.

import { defineGraphqlServerOptions } from 'nuxt-graphql-middleware/dist/runtime/serverOptions'
import { getHeader, createError } from 'h3'
import type { H3Event } from 'h3'
import type { FetchError } from 'ofetch'

export default defineGraphqlServerOptions({
  serverFetchOptions: function (event) {
    return {
      headers: {
        authentication: 'IBZxopckhZLalbbIzgp7VE0ae/+N0FAsA6D/31jDBuU=',

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