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Server Options

All dynamic configuration that deals with the server-side requests made to the GraphQL server is located in a special runtime file located at ~/app/graphqlMiddleware.serverOptions.ts. This file is bundled together with the nitro build in the .output folder.

Create a file called graphqlMiddleware.serverOptions.ts (or js/mjs) inside the app folder in your Nuxt root.

import { defineGraphqlServerOptions } from 'nuxt-graphql-middleware/dist/runtime/serverOptions'

export default defineGraphqlServerOptions({
  // ...


Provide a custom method that performs the request to the GraphQL server. It receives a single context object argument that contains everything required to perform the request.

The method is called in the /api/graphql server handler. It can do the request using fetch, graphql-request or even a full-fledged library like @apollo/client.

If a custom method is provided all other options (such as graphqlEndpoint, serverFetchOptions or onServerResponse) are ignored. The return value of the method is directly returned as the response in the server route.

Example: Custom fetch with retry

This example assumes some kind of cookie based token authentication. If the request fails because of an expired token it will refresh the token and then retry the request.

import { defineGraphqlServerOptions } from 'nuxt-graphql-middleware/dist/runtime/serverOptions'
import { refreshToken } from './../helpers'

export default defineGraphqlServerOptions({
  async doGraphqlRequest({
  }) {
    function doRequest(token: string) {
      return $fetch.raw('', {
        method: 'POST',
        ignoreResponseError: true,
        body: {
          query: operationDocument,
        headers: {

    // Do the first request.
    const incomingToken = getHeader(event, 'cookie')
    let result = await doRequest(incomingToken)

    // If the status is 401 refresh the token.
    if (result.status === 401) {
      const newToken = await refreshToken(incomingToken)
      // Retry the request.
      result = await doRequest(newToken)

    // Return the GraphQL response.
    return result._data


Dynamically set the GraphQL endpoint URL during runtime per request.

type GraphqlMiddlewareGraphqlEndpointMethod = (
  event?: H3Event,
  operation?: string,
  operationName?: string,
) => string | Promise<string> | void

Example: Endpoint based on language

Here we determine the current language from the incoming Accept-Language header and use it to target a specific language-prefixed GraphQL endpoint.

import { defineGraphqlServerOptions } from 'nuxt-graphql-middleware/dist/runtime/serverOptions'
import { getHeader } from 'h3'
import acceptLanguageParser from 'accept-language-parser'

export default defineGraphqlServerOptions({
  graphqlEndpoint(event, operation, operationName) {
    // Get accepted languages.
    const acceptLanguage = getHeader('accept-language')
    const languages = acceptLanguageParser.parse(acceptLanguage)

    // Use first match or fallback to English.
    const language = languages[0]?.code || 'en'
    return `${language}/graphql`


Provide the options for the ofetch request to the GraphQL server.

type GraphqlMiddlewareServerFetchOptionsMethod = (
  event?: H3Event,
  operation?: string,
  operationName?: string,
) => FetchOptions | Promise<FetchOptions>
import { defineGraphqlServerOptions } from 'nuxt-graphql-middleware/dist/runtime/serverOptions'
import { getHeader } from 'h3'

// Pass the cookie from the client request to the GraphQL request.
export default defineGraphqlServerOptions({
  serverFetchOptions(event, operation, operationName) {
    return {
      headers: {
        Cookie: getHeader(event, 'cookie'),


Handle the response from the GraphQL server.

You can alter the response, add additional properties to the data, get and set headers, etc.

type GraphqlMiddlewareOnServerResponseMethod = (
  event: H3Event,
  response: FetchResponse<any>,
  operation?: string,
  operationName?: string,
) => any | Promise<any>
import { defineGraphqlServerOptions } from 'nuxt-graphql-middleware/dist/runtime/serverOptions'
import type { H3Event } from 'h3'
import type { FetchResponse } from 'ofetch'

export default defineGraphqlServerOptions({
  onServerResponse(event, graphqlResponse) {
    // Set a static header.
    event.node.res.setHeader('x-nuxt-custom-header', 'A custom header value')

    // Pass the set-cookie header from the GraphQL response to the client.
    const setCookie = graphqlResponse.headers.get('set-cookie')
    if (setCookie) {
      event.node.res.setHeader('set-cookie', setCookie)

    // Add additional properties to the response.
    graphqlResponse._data.__customProperty = ['My', 'values']

    // Return the GraphQL response.
    return graphqlResponse._data


Handle a fetch error from the GraphQL request.

Note that errors are only thrown for responses that are not status 200-299. See️-handling-errors for more information.

type GraphqlMiddlewareOnServerErrorMethod = (
  event: H3Event,
  error: FetchError,
  operation?: string,
  operationName?: string,
) => any | Promise<any>

Example: Always return a 200 status to the clients

import { defineGraphqlServerOptions } from 'nuxt-graphql-middleware/dist/runtime/serverOptions'
import type { H3Event } from 'h3'
import type { FetchError } from 'ofetch'

export default defineGraphqlServerOptions({
  onServerError(event, error, operation, operationName) {
    event.setHeader('cache-control', 'no-cache')
    return {
      data: {},
      errors: [error.message],

Released under the MIT License.