Full Configuration Example
For the module to work you only need to provide a graphqlEndpoint
import { defineNuxtConfig } from 'nuxt'
export default defineNuxtConfig({
graphqlMiddleware: {
graphqlEndpoint: ''
Full nuxt.config.ts example
import { defineNuxtConfig } from 'nuxt'
import { getHeader } from 'h3'
import acceptLanguageParser from 'accept-language-parser'
const isDev = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development'
export default defineNuxtConfig({
graphqlMiddleware: {
* Hardcoded GraphQL endpoint URL.
graphqlEndpoint: '',
* Match GraphQL files in the pages and components folder and from an
* installed dependency.
autoImportPatterns: [
* Automatically inline fragments.
autoInlineFragments: true,
* Only download the schema when in development mode.
downloadSchema: isDev,
* Save the schema in a subfolder.
schemaPath: './schema/schema-cms.graphql',
* Use a root level path for the server routes.
serverApiPrefix: '/graphql-middleware',
* Enabled debug messages in dev mode.
debug: isDev,
* Output all compiled documents in
* .nuxt/nuxt-graphql-middleware/documents.
outputDocuments: true,
* Generate a query at build time.
documents: [
query myQuery {
articlesForSite(site: "${process.env.SITE}") {
* Override default configuration to create better TypeScript types.
codegenConfig: {
constEnums: false,
enumsAsConst: false,
enumPrefix: true,
avoidOptionals: false,
preResolveTypes: true,
maybeValue: 'T',
flattenGeneratedTypes: false,
exportFragmentSpreadSubTypes: true,
skipTypeNameForRoot: true,
inlineFragmentTypes: 'combine',
dedupeFragments: false,
nonOptionalTypename: false,
skipTypename: true,
codegenSchemaConfig: {
schemaAstConfig: {
includeDirectives: true,
includeIntrospectionTypes: true,
sort: true,
urlSchemaOptions: {
headers: {
authentication: 'IBZxopckhZLalbbIzgp7VE0ae/+N0FAsA6D/31jDBuU=',
Full ~/app/graphqlMiddleware.serverOptions.ts example
import { defineGraphqlServerOptions } from 'nuxt-graphql-middleware/dist/runtime/serverOptions'
import { getHeader, createError } from 'h3'
import type { H3Event } from 'h3'
import type { FetchError } from 'ofetch'
export default defineGraphqlServerOptions({
* Determine the GraphQL endpoint on every request.
* The GraphQL endpoint used depends on the language prefix for correctly
* returning the content in the correct language.
graphqlEndpoint(event, operation, operationName) {
// Get accepted languages.
const acceptLanguage = getHeader('accept-language')
const languages = acceptLanguageParser.parse(acceptLanguage)
// Use first match or fallback to English.
const language = languages[0]?.code || 'en'
return `${language}/graphql`
* Provide FetchOptions for the request to the GraphQL server.
serverFetchOptions: function (event) {
// Pass the cookie from the client request to the GraphQL request.
return {
headers: {
Cookie: getHeader(event, 'cookie'),
* Handle 4xx/5xx errors happening when making the request to the
* GraphQL server.
onServerError(event, error, operation, operationName) {
// Throw a h3 error.
throw createError({
statusCode: 500,
statusMessage: `Couldn't execute GraphQL ${operation} "${operationName}".`,
data: error.message,
* Alter response from GraphQL server.
onServerResponse(event, graphqlResponse) {
// Set a static header.
event.node.res.setHeader('x-nuxt-custom-header', 'A custom header value')
// Pass the set-cookie header from the GraphQL response to the client.
const setCookie = graphqlResponse.headers.get('set-cookie')
if (setCookie) {
event.node.res.setHeader('set-cookie', setCookie)
// Add additional properties to the response.
graphqlResponse._data.__customProperty = ['My', 'values']
// Return the GraphQL response.
return graphqlResponse._data