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Client Options

nuxt-graphql-middleware will look for a file called graphqlMiddleware.clientOptions.ts in your app dir. This file can export so called "client options" which are used when making a request to the GraphQL middleware.


Note that the client options are only used in a Nuxt app context - they are not used when using useGraphqlQuery or other utils in a Nitro context such as event handlers.

Defining Client Options

When using a composable such as useGraphqlQuery, behind the scenes it will use $fetch to make a request to the GraphQL middleware server route. Sometimes it's useful to pass some additional context with this request that can then be used on the server.

Similar to serverOptions, you can create a file called graphqlMiddleware.clientOptions.ts in your app directory (usually <rootDir>/app).

import { defineGraphqlClientOptions } from 'nuxt-graphql-middleware/dist/runtime/clientOptions'

export default defineGraphqlClientOptions({})

Defining Client Context

Implement the buildClientContext() method to return an object with string values.

import { defineGraphqlClientOptions } from 'nuxt-graphql-middleware/dist/runtime/clientOptions'

export default defineGraphqlClientOptions<{
  language: string
  country: string
  buildClientContext() {
    const language = useCurrentLanguage()
    const country = useCurrentCountry()
    return {
      language: language.value,
      country: country.value,


By passing a generic in defineGraphqlClientOptions you can define the type of your context object.

Now everytime a request to the middleware is made with a composable such as useGraphqlQuery, the composable will call the buildClientContext method to get the current context. It then maps each property of the returned object to a query parameter while prefixing the property to prevent collisions with potential query parameters from GraphQL variables.

So for example, when making a GraphQL query like so:

const data = await useGraphqlQuery('loadProduct', {
  id: '123',

The composable will make a fetch request to this URL.


Both the language and country properties we returned in the object in buildClientContext() are appended as prefixed query parameters.

Using Client Context

On the server you can then access this client context from within all serverOptions methods:

import { defineGraphqlServerOptions } from 'nuxt-graphql-middleware/dist/runtime/serverOptions'

export default defineGraphqlServerOptions({
  graphqlEndpoint(event, operation, operationName, context) {
    // Use the language from the client context.
    const language = context?.client?.language || 'en'
    return `http://backend_server/${language}/graphql`

  serverFetchOptions: function (event, _operation, operationName, context) {
    // Pass the current country as a header when making a request to the
    // GraphQL server.
    return {
      headers: {
        'x-current-country': context.client?.country || 'US',

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